Quotes From "Dragon Bound" By Thea Harrison

A dragon just gave me a piece of jewelry, ” she said. She took another swig and handed the bottle back to Graydon. “Have I been added to his hoard?” He shook his head and drank too. “No, cupcake, ” he said. “I’m pretty sure you’ve replaced it. Thea Harrison
There are plastic bags with zippers on them. I've seen them in commercials, " Dragos said to her. He snapped his fingers, trying to remember the name. "You put food in them."" Ziploc bags?" she asked in a cautious voice. He pointed at her. "Yes. I want one. Thea Harrison
He stared at her neck. Realization pulsed. He was looking at the bite he had given her. A hard length was growing against her hip. “So, is that your long, scaly, reptilian tail, or are you just happy to see me?” No, she did not just say that. Did she? Thea Harrison
I’m busy, you’re busy, everybody’s busy. I’ve got a lot I want to say to you, though.” “All right, ” Pia told her. “Hit me with it.” “First, I’m so sorry about what my uncle Urien did to you guys. I hate him, he killed my family, and we’re going to cut off his head, and then I have to be Queen, but before that happens let’s do lunch, okay? Thea Harrison
She called me ‘my lady, ’ ” she told him in a plaintive voice. “I don’t know who that is. I’m no lady.” The last of his fury faded away to be replaced with a quick gleam. He peered under the sheet. “I can attest to that. Thea Harrison
Oh my God, not only is he older than the Grand Canyon, but he’s like the pope and the Fae King and the president of the United States all rolled up into one. To some ancient cultures he had been a god. He was going to hurt her so bad before he killed her so dead, and all she could think of was how hot his kiss had been in the dream and how delicate the touch of his finger was as it traced down her body. Thea Harrison
I think you’re my hero, ' she said. Only half-kidding. He stared at her, the picture of incredulity. 'Most people, ' he said, 'think I am a very bad man.' She studied his eyes to try to find out if that bothered him. He didn’t seem bothered by them. He seemed discomfited by her. 'Well, ' she said at last, 'maybe you’re a very good dragon. Thea Harrison